
A platform to manage and track business goals
[Role] Lead product designer, Experience definition
Power BI, App design, 2020

׳Goals׳ is a platform for business goals tracking and managing within Power BI. The feature included the creation of
  • A new area in the Home page, ׳Goals Hub׳ with individual goals for specific tracking, detailed view of their progress and an update ability
  • A new data item, ׳Scorecard׳, that displays connected goals in one view.

“Goals” Power BI Mobile, demo flow of a goal ‘quick check-in’, detail view of the progress and navigation to the relevant ‘scorecard’.


Customers are using Power BI as their centralized analytics data platform. Goal tracking sits on top of their organizational data and is a part of their analytics solutions. Customer surveys and interviews indicated that 85% of them already leverage Power BI for tracking goals & outcomes, with their own built workarounds.

The workarounds require to consolidate all their important KPIs into a single view, and are not very easy for users. They would like this to be handled by Power BI as an offering.


The aspiration was to enhance the data culture in the organization by providing a visibility to various business metrics.
Increase loyalty, engagement and retention by providing a tool to manage business-related metrics and supporting data.



Creating a fluid, intuitive experience while presenting the user a potential data overload. Translating big screen layouts (of Power BI in the desktop), flows and design mental models to the small screen with responsive behavior in mind to accommodate both mobile and tablet. These were in mind when creating the׳Goal׳ card, ׳Scorecard׳ and ׳Goals Hub׳ experiences.

Goal card

The goal card is the basic unit of the business metric. The card provides the user the essential information about the goal. It presents the goal name, current and target value, status, progress trend, owner and due date.
The goal card is consumed across various platforms and devices, and as such was designed to be responsive.


The ׳Scorecard׳ is a collections of goals and/or subgoals. The goals in the scorecard are themed around the same ׳umbrella׳ business goal, and/or assigned to the same team members. The scorecards provides the consumer an easy one point view of the goals progress in a specific business area or team.

The scorecard is consumed across devices and platforms and was built with responsiveness in mind, as the goal card.

Goals Hub

The Goals Hub is a centralized place that makes it easy for the user to stay on top of hers/his important goals and to navigate to relevant scorecards.
The top of the Goals hub displays the goals that are relevant to the user, and beneath the recently accessed, favorite and shared with the user scorecards.

Quick goal value check-ins are available from the ׳Goals Hub׳ to accomodate the ׳on-the-go׳ scenario of the mobile user.

Easy access to goal details along with other actions were added to the goal card in the hub for users who want to have a deeper dive and undertand of the goal progress overtime.

Elaborate actions and goal updates are also integrated in the experience for users who want to check-in detailed progress, through the check-in form.

Tapping the goal card navigates the user to its scoracard. The user can explore the entire contextual field of the business area metrics and compare hers/his individual goals to the bigger picture.
The detail panel action provide additional layer of context by navigating to the data the goal is connected to.

Anna Tsiganchuk, Designer
Designing transparent experiences. Creating functional beauty.
Pushing boundaries where boundaries should be pushed. 
{My design moto}

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       Anna Tsigan, Designer
        Designing transparent experiences.
        Creating functional beauty.
        Pushing boundaries where boundaries
        should be pushed.
        {My design moto}
        +972 53 4705306

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