
I am a product designer based in London. I am passionate about designing seamless and transparent experiences, working with innovative and new technologies, creating functional beauty and pushing boundaries where boundaries should be pushed.
I believe complex systems and experiences can be made intuitive and I apply this belief every day.
Before embarking on
my journey in the design world, I graduated with B.Des in Visual Communication from ‘Bezalel’ Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem.

︎  ziganna.and.me@gmail.com

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Scroll down for lectures I’ve gave,
awards I’ve recieved and
initiatives I’ve participated in.



2016 - Present

Designing for AI
The Moment Insight is Met with Delight

2020 (EN)

The world of data is rich and filled with overloaded experiences. Data consumers absorb staggering amounts of information on a day-to-day basis. Most of the time, this doesn’t come as second nature to the human cognitive understanding - and requires a pause, a second look, and analytical thinking for that “AH-HA” moment. This is the desired moment where insight is met with delight.
This talk goes through the journey of transforming AI generated insights of complex data engines into a delightful user experience.
I gave this talk to the Israel design community and the Microsoft Reactor international community.

Designing for AI - Video
Designing for AI - PDF
Designing for AI - Talk site

Designing the ׳Lateral Movement Paths׳ Graph

2018 (HE)

"Lateral Movement" is a techniques cyber attackers use to progressively move through a network as they search for the key data and assets. Targets can vary, one of which can be ‘stealing’ credentials and the identity of a high privilege account (= “sensitive” account).
In the cyber security world, the end goal is to predict and protect from such threats and breaches within organizational networks. The end result in the UI must follow known UX/UI patterns and provide the user sufficient and understandable output to act upon the displayed.
The talk displays how we developed the ‘Lateral Movement Paths’ graph in the product, as part of the effort to layout the paths the attacker can potentially follow in order to reach a “sensitive” account.
I gave this lecture to the Israeli design community as part of the ISVIS and IsraHCI design conferences.

Designing the LMP graph - Video
Designing the LMP  graph - PDF
Designing the LMP graph - Talk site

User Experience in complex systems

2017 (HE)

What are we really talking about when we talk about simplicity? Clarity.
The myth of simplicity is that it’s the true goal of the design; moreover, that it’s an achievable goal in every situation; that it’s a standartized assessment of the design effort, and a good way to assess a product in general. It is not.
The goal is clarity. Ask yourself if the experience as clear as it can be? If the answer is yes, no one cares how complex it is. Build complex things if you need to build complex things. Just put your good design chops to work and make them as clear as you can. It’s the one thing you can do every time.
I gave this lecture to the Israeli design community as part of the Create design popup lectures series.

UX in complex systems - PDF
UX in complex systems - Talk site

Bridging between Orthogonal and Linear Thinking

2017 (HE)

In the cyber security world, threats and breaches are none other than anomalies and weaknesses in computer protocols.
In my day to day work I am constantly trying to ‘bridge’ between this computer language and thinking and men understanding of data by visualizing the protocols to the end-user (security analyst). To this extent, the concept of storytelling as a medium of understanding was used. The result was a linear timeline infographics breaking down computer logic step by step.
I gave this lecture to the Israeli design community as part of the ISVIS design conference.

Bridging between thinking - Video
Bridging between thinking - PDF
Bridging between thinking - Talk site

Scroll up to learn about me
the lectures I’ve gave, 
or scroll down to see the awards I’ve recieved and
initiatives I’ve participated in.



2016 - Present

Digital Books Library app
Indigo awards winner


Experimental app for digital books, final graduation project in ‘Bezalel’. A library app for digital books for tablets and personal computers. The library organizes the user’s book files in a visual-informative way and reflects the their attributes as a reader.

Winner of Indigo 2018 awards for:
Silver in Apps
Silver in UX, Interface Navigation
Silver in Interaction Design
Bronze in Typography

׳Khan׳ Theatre, Visual identity
Indigo awards winner


An identity redesign for the “Khan” theatre in Jerusalem, project in ‘Bezalel’. ׳Khan׳ is a seasoned repertory theater in Jerusalem that has a fixed image in the local eye. The concept of the redesign was to take the conventional theatre perception and deconstruct it, both in the metaphysical (identity) and physical (material) level.

Winner of Indigo 2018 awards for:
Silver in Branding
Silver in Lettering
Silver in Typography
Bronze in Promotional Materials

׳Week 23׳, Motion Design
Best Free Doc Design award winner


In 2016 the film ׳Week 23׳ by Ohad Milstein won the Best Israeli Free Doc Film award from the Israeli Documentary organization, and I won the Best Free Doc Design award for the motion sequences and graphic design.
Winner of the Best Free Doc Design award for the motion sequences and graphic design.

Scroll up to learn about me
the lectures I’ve gave,
the awards I’ve recieved
or scroll down to see initiatives I’ve participated in.



2016 - Present

Aviv Grinberg workshop, OFFF TLV Festival



In 2019, Microsoft sponsored the OFFF TLV Festival. As part of the sponsorship we initiated an artist workshop for the festival participants. The workshop focused on Aviv Grinberg work in transforming cleaning materials into art. The transformation is a metaphor for the Microsoft Fluent design concept and a fun activity :).

External initiatives - Microsoft Israel Design Bond
Co-lead with other designers

2020 - Present

The external initiatives effort was created as a part of the Microsoft ILDC (Israel Development Center) Design Bond. The initiative is focused on exposing the Israeli design community to the Microsoft Israel design world by displaying individual designers work and creations.
In the initiative we aspire to create platforms for exposure like periodic meetups and conference participation, along with Design Days. In addition, provide guidance and grow designers in areas like public speaking, presentation skills,
storytelling, etc.

VC “Bezalel” Alumni Organization

Co-Founder with other alumnis


Co-founded with other alumnis the Visual Communication B.Des alumni organization. The effort evolved around creating a community for the department alumni’s and maintaining it. We organized events and crated platforms for communication.

Scroll up to learn about me
the lectures I’ve gave,
the awards I’ve recieved
and initiatives I’ve participated in.

Anna Tsiganchuk, Designer
Designing transparent experiences. Creating functional beauty.
Pushing boundaries where boundaries should be pushed. 
{My design moto}

© All rights reserved to Anna Tsiganchuk
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︎  Dribbble
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︎  Behance

       Anna Tsigan, Designer
        Designing transparent experiences.
        Creating functional beauty.
        Pushing boundaries where boundaries
        should be pushed.
        {My design moto}
        +972 53 4705306

        ︎  Resume
        ︎  LinkedIn
        ︎  Dribbble
        ︎ Vimeo
        ︎  Behance